Voki is an AWESOME tool that teachers can use in the classroom. It allows you to record your own voice for one minute, or use a computer generated voice for 30 seconds and have it displayed with a customized character that will read it to the students. It is a fun and exciting way that students can listen to something on the computer.
Here, I used Voki as if it were on my classroom homepage and greeted students as they visited. The really neat thing is that you could also create Vokis to say the same thing, but in a different language, so in a school with many ELLs, it would be a great resource to use for parent communication!
Quia is also a great tool that teachers can use to enhance student learning. On Quia, you can create activities, quizzes or surveys for students (or other teachers!) to log in and take. You can personalize the whole thing to be exactly what you want. It is so much fun to create and for students to take, rather than a typical pen-and-paper assessment.
I used Quia to create a survey about teacher leadership in schools.
You can even use Voki to enhance a quiz created on Quia. I did this with a quiz about the Main Idea of a story. To ensure that students are being assessed on their knowledge of Main Idea and not their reading ability, the students can have the Voki character read the passage to them.
Here are the Vokis that were embedded into the Main Idea Quiz on Quia...
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